Money Saving Strategies

What is your household currently doing to ensure you stay within budget? Start 2022 on the right track! Planning your household budget can seem like a hassle but these strategies will make the process a lot easier.

  1. Write down all your monthly expenses.
  2. Divide your expenses into wants and necessities.
  3. Write down all sources of your monthly income.
  4. Compare your income and expenses. If your expenses outweigh your income, consider reducing spending where possible.

Keeping track of your monthly expenses in a notebook, a spreadsheet, or even through an app are all ways to keep you focused on your financial goals.

To save extra money in your budget, consider the following:

  • If eligible, take advantage of government funded programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
    • Eligibility for SNAP may also result in potential eligibility for energy assistance programs.
  • Utilize community-based resources such as food pantries or congregate meal sites. (Certain pantries have toiletries as well)
  • Inquire about grocery store programs (ex. Healthy Helping) or free store discount cards (ex. Food Lion’s MVP card or Harris Tetter’s VIC card)
  • Check the loyalty card (MVP) program coupons you receive with your receipt
  • Check your mailbox for coupons!

Your county Department of Social Services may be able to offer additional resources to stretch your budget. County Extension offices may also have financial classes to advise you on budget strategies.

Would you like to apply for SNAP?  Please contact More In My Basket for an eligibility screening and application assistance.

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